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Regulation game contest Kids’ Art Jewelry

Article 1: Organizing company
The company Miss M., micro-company whose registered office is at 16 Boulevard Maréchal Lyautey – 38000 Grenoble and registered at the RCS Grenoble under the number 81962339800016 (siret) organizes from April 1 to May 1, 2019 included a free game and without purchase obligation on Instagram. This game is open to anyone over the age of 18, except representatives and associates of Miss M. and their families.


Article 2 : Conditions of participation
This free game with no obligation to buy is open to all natural persons residing in France and abroad, except for the staff members of the organizing company and their families.
Any minor participating in the game is deemed to participate under the control and with the consent of his parents or the parent (s), or failing this, his / her legal guardian (s). Any entry that is incomplete, inaccurate, falsified, misrepresented, inconsistent with the rules or received after the game date will be considered void and will result in the elimination of the entrant.
Maximum participation per person and per household (same name, same first name, same address and / or mobile phone number and / or Instagram account and / or email address), for the duration of the game. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the non-eligibility of the winner.


Article 3 : Terms of the game
The principle and organization of this game are:
From April 1 to May 1, 2019 inclusive, Instagram users will be able to win, based on a random draw made at the end of the silver jewelry game.
How the game works: </ span>
– The participant subscribes to the @kidsart_bijoux account
– He like the contest post
– In comment of the post, he invites 2 friends to participate to the contest

The promotional image is a non-contractual image illustrating the prize to win, it is put into play as part of the contest.


Article 4 : Draw and lots
The draw for the winner will take place on May 2, 2019 before midnight.

Lots put in play:
Lot 1: A Kids’Art necklace in silver of pette size with cotton cord (worth € 90)
Lot 2: A name bracelet Kids’ Art engraved in silver with silver chain (worth 49 €)
Lot 3: A discount of 20% as a promo code to be valid on the entire online store.

These prizes will not be exchangeable or refundable. The winner concerned will be appointed after verification of the validity of their participation according to the criteria detailed in the present regulations.
The selected participant in the draw:
1. Will be identified on an Instagram post posted from the Kids’Art Jewelry Instagram account.
2. He will then receive a notification on Instagram notifying him that he has been identified.
3. The winner is invited to contact the brand in an instant message to give him his contact details (surname, first name, postal address and telephone number).

The winner will then receive the prize at the mailing address provided by message.

If within 7 days after the Instagram notification, the lucky winner has not responded to the company (sending the private message with the coordinates), he will be considered as having given up his lot and it will be considered as canceled.


Article 5 : Delivery of Lots
Prizes will be sent to the winners from May 18th by mail.
Invalid e-mail address, incorrect mailing address: If the e-mail address is incorrect or does not correspond to the winner’s e-mail address, or if for other reasons related to technical problems that do not allow to correctly forward the e-mail information, the e-mail address is incorrect. The organizer can not be held responsible in any way. Similarly, it is not the organizer’s responsibility to search for winners’ details that can not be reached due to an invalid or illegible email address or an incorrect mailing address.

Lots not withdrawn:
Unreachable winners will not be eligible for any prize, compensation or compensation of any kind whatsoever.

Prizes awarded are personal and non-transferable. In addition, the prizes may in no case be the subject of any dispute from the winners, nor an exchange or any other consideration of any kind whatsoever.


Article 6 : Promotional operations
Because of the acceptance of their prizes, the winners authorize the organizer to use their names, brands, corporate names and this for promotional purposes on any medium of their choice, without this reproduction being entitled to any remuneration. or compensation other than the prize won.


Article 7 : Nominative data
The personal data collected as part of the participation in the game are recorded and used by the organizer for the necessities of their participation and the attribution of their winnings.
In accordance with the « Data Protection Act » of 6 January 1978, Participants have the right to access, rectify or delete information concerning them. Any request should be sent by mail


Article 8 : Responsibility
The Entrant acknowledges and agrees that the only obligation of the Contest Organizer for the Game is to submit the entries collected to the draw, provided that its participation is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contest Rules, and to award the prizes to the winners. , according to the criteria and modalities defined in this Regulation.
The organizer can not be held responsible, without this list being limited to any technical, material or software failure of any nature whatsoever, the risk of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network and the lack of protection of certain data against possible diversions.
Participation in the Game implies knowledge and acceptance of the features and limitations of the Internet in terms of technical performance, response time to consult, as well as to query or transfer information.


Article 9 : Cases of force majeure / reservations
The organizer’s liability can not be incurred if, for a case of force majeure or beyond his control, the game must be modified, shortened or canceled.
The organizer reserves the right to carry out any verification it deems useful, relating to compliance with the rules, in particular to rule out any participant who has made an inaccurate or false declaration or defrauded.


Article 10 : disputes
The Regulation is governed by French law. Any difficulty in applying or interpreting the Rules will be decided exclusively by the organizer.


Article 11 : Consultation of the regulation
A copy of these rules is available and available for the duration of the Game at the following address:


This game is under no circumstances sponsored or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.